Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


"Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat" and Led by a King with tittle "Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono". Until the year 1945 Yogyakarta Join Indonesia and rewarded as one of the special Province.And now the King is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X (10th).

Geographic Condition

Yogyakarta Has almost all of nature view,
In the north of Yogyakerta there is mount Merapi. Because jogja near a vulcanic Mountain Jogja also has fertile soil that great for agriculture.And the nature and ambience is still green and natural.

To the south of Jogja, lies lot of beach with different charractetistic.Some beach have cliff and some other have beutiful sand.

Move to south east of Jogja, Lies A Huge and Long Limestone Mountains that has a great view too.

And in the west of Yogyakarta flow a huge River from Mount Merapi called Progo River.

In the center of Jogja, the ancient palace of Jogja named " Keraton or Kraton" is place where the King and His Family live with all His follower called Abdi Dalem

There, in Keraton stored many Artistic things such as Jewelry, weapon, javanese puppets, batik and other histoical things.

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