Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012


Borobudur is a name of  Buddhist temple that located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java Province. Borobudur  name comes from Boro that means : Holy Place for Buddist and Budur that means: in High Place.
Borobudur located 40 km northwest Yogyakarta.

Borobudur built in Syailendra dinasty  and design by Indonesian, Gunadarma. Borobudur built from 770 AD  to 820 AD.

Its wall decorated with 2672 relief pannel and  504 Buddha statues. The biggest statue  located in the center of the building and act as its crown, this statue surrounded by three line of 72 hollow statues in which of each statue contain a a Buddha statue in cross-legged sitting and perfect lotus position .

In the 14th century, Borobudur was left by the people, because the weakness of Buddhist Kingdom in Java Island.Until the world realize the existence of this building after found by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles in 1814.
Since then Borobudur has suffered a series of efforts to rescue and restoration.The Biggest restoration held by Indonesian goverment from 1975 until 1982, because of effort from Indonesian people and goverment UNESCO awarded Borrobudur as World Heritage Site.

Now Borobudur still uses for Buddhism activity and there is an annual even for Buddhist people that is Tri Suci Waisak.

Borobudur is a single object in Indonesia that most visited by a tourist.

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