Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Ujian Akhir Semester Genap

Nama: Arif Kurnia Rahman
No: 04
Kelas : XI IA5

Pengalaman yang mengesankan dan membuat  sebuah blog yang sebelumnya belum pernah terpikir dan isinya juga sepontanitas .What a great experience...

This post is  my last task for end year test.

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Komodo Island

Komodo dragon that completely called Varanus komodoensis is a species of the hugest lizard in the world and it's habitat is in Komodo Island Indonesia.Komodo was called "ora" by local people.

Komodo is family of Varanidae lizard and Toxicofera the biggest lizard in the world with length 3-4 meters.In its habitat Komodo act as carnivor and its usually  dominating the ecosystem because no other predator.

In 1910 Komodo wan found by west scientist.Its huge body and its great reputation made Komodo popular in the Zoo.IUCN has listed   Komodo as species that vulnerable to extinction.Now this big lizard is conserved under Indonesia's government and Komodo National Park built to protect them.

In the wild , an adult Komodo could reach weight up to 70 kilos.
Komodo's tail as long as its body. and about 60 sharp teeth about 2.5 cm long

Komodo naturally  lives in Savannah  of Komodo island, because Komodo smell good it could found dying animal at distance up to 9.5 Km.

recently Komodo was given award at voting of New Seven Wonder.

Did you know???

A Komodo Dragon in London Zoo can have  egg  after separated from male Komodo about two years.
then in On December 20, 2006, it was reported that Flora, the Komodo dragon living in the Chester Zoo, UK is the second known Komodo dragon eggs without fertilization. He laid 11 eggs, and seven of them successfully hatched

 If you visit Komodo island you will get bonus to see the beautiful pink beach.

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012


Borobudur is a name of  Buddhist temple that located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java Province. Borobudur  name comes from Boro that means : Holy Place for Buddist and Budur that means: in High Place.
Borobudur located 40 km northwest Yogyakarta.

Borobudur built in Syailendra dinasty  and design by Indonesian, Gunadarma. Borobudur built from 770 AD  to 820 AD.

Its wall decorated with 2672 relief pannel and  504 Buddha statues. The biggest statue  located in the center of the building and act as its crown, this statue surrounded by three line of 72 hollow statues in which of each statue contain a a Buddha statue in cross-legged sitting and perfect lotus position .

In the 14th century, Borobudur was left by the people, because the weakness of Buddhist Kingdom in Java Island.Until the world realize the existence of this building after found by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles in 1814.
Since then Borobudur has suffered a series of efforts to rescue and restoration.The Biggest restoration held by Indonesian goverment from 1975 until 1982, because of effort from Indonesian people and goverment UNESCO awarded Borrobudur as World Heritage Site.

Now Borobudur still uses for Buddhism activity and there is an annual even for Buddhist people that is Tri Suci Waisak.

Borobudur is a single object in Indonesia that most visited by a tourist.

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


"Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat" and Led by a King with tittle "Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono". Until the year 1945 Yogyakarta Join Indonesia and rewarded as one of the special Province.And now the King is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X (10th).

Geographic Condition

Yogyakarta Has almost all of nature view,
In the north of Yogyakerta there is mount Merapi. Because jogja near a vulcanic Mountain Jogja also has fertile soil that great for agriculture.And the nature and ambience is still green and natural.

To the south of Jogja, lies lot of beach with different charractetistic.Some beach have cliff and some other have beutiful sand.

Move to south east of Jogja, Lies A Huge and Long Limestone Mountains that has a great view too.

And in the west of Yogyakarta flow a huge River from Mount Merapi called Progo River.

In the center of Jogja, the ancient palace of Jogja named " Keraton or Kraton" is place where the King and His Family live with all His follower called Abdi Dalem

There, in Keraton stored many Artistic things such as Jewelry, weapon, javanese puppets, batik and other histoical things.

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012


Hello   somebody there
I'm an Indonesian and I want to share you the  great of Indonesia...

My  Nation..

Located in South East Asia with a lot of wonderful, marvelous, awesome, and great Nature beauty....

with this I want to share more about Indonesia .....

I live in Magelang @ central Java located near place that  most visited in Indonesia by foreigner except BALI that was JOGJAKARTA and of course BOROBUDUR Temple

And My house not too far from Borobudur temple just about 3 or 4 KMs,

If you want to know follow and come back to this blog i would  review about some great place, culture and of Course culinary.... and if you want to traveling  I will share a lot of great tourist destination and lot more ..

so.... let's start....

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